Notice For First-Year Students


All Student of First-Year check this notice board regularly:

Instruction for Assignments and Drawing Sheets submission:

Formate:  PDF/JPEG formate only (clear image)

Name of file: Enrollment no_Ass._Name/Drawing Sheet_Title

Example: 18010BTME03526_Ass._Conic section

or 18010BTME03526_Drawing Sheet_Projection of Line

Sent to my mail id :

Subject For Email: Enrollment no_Ass._Name/Drawing Sheet_Title_Ass. No./Drawing No.

Example: 18010BTME03526_Ass._Conic section_01

or 18010BTME03526_Drawing Sheet_Projection of Line_2(a)

All students sent Assignments up to Projection of Line and Drawing Sheet also up to the projection of line in single mail only.

Last Date: 28/April/2020

Before sending an email read the above instructions carefully.

Assignment 7: Projection Solid:

Q.1: A hexagonal pyramid base 25 mm side and axis 50 mm long have an edge of its base on the ground. Its axis is inclined at 30 to the ground and parallel to the V.P. Draw its projections.

Q.2: A square pyramid, 40 mm base sides and axis 60 mm long, has a triangular face on the ground and the vertical plane containing the axis makes an angle of 450 with the VP. Draw its projections. Take apex nearer to VP.

Drawing Sheet Question;

Title: Projection of Solid

Q.1: A pentagonal pyramid base 25 mm side and axis 50 mm long has one of its triangular faces in the VP and the edge of the base contained by that face makes an angle of 30º with the HP. Draw its projections.

Q.2: A hexagonal pyramid base 25 mm side and axis 55 mm long have one of its slant edge on the ground. A plane containing that edge and the axis is perpendicular to the H.P. and inclined at 45º to the V.P. Draw its projections when the apex is nearer to the V.P. than the base.

Q.3: A cube of 25 mm long edges is so placed on HP on one corner that a body diagonal is parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP  Draw its projections.

Q.4: Draw the projections of a cone base 50 mm diameter and axis 75 mm long, lying on a generator on the ground with the top view of the axis making an angle of 45º with the VP.




Date: 27/04/2020

Assignment for MST 2: (Submit Before 09/05/2020)

Q.1: Define Principal planes and Auxillary Planes. Also, define traces in projection of line.

Q.2: Draw the projection of point which is 25 mm away from both principal planes. (for all possible cases)

Q.3: Draw the projection of point which is situated in 3 quadrants and 20 mm below the HP and distance form XY line is 50 mm.

Q.4: The end A of a line AB is in the HP and 25 mm behind the VP. The end B is in the VP and 50 mm above the HP. The distance between the end projectors is 75 mm. draw the projections of AB and determine its true length, traces, and inclination with two planes.


Q.4: The end A of a line AB is 25 mm behind the V.P. and is below the H.P. The end B is 12 mm in front of the VP and is above the HP The distance between the projectors is 65mm. The line is inclined at 40 to the HP and its HT is 20 mm behind the VP. Draw the projections of the line and determine its true length and the VT.


Q.4: The distance between the end projectors of a line AB is 70 mm and the projectors through traces are 110 mm apart. The end A of the line is 10 mm above the H.P. If the top view and the front view of the line make 30° and 60° with  XY line respectively. Draw the projections of the line and determine (i) the traces, (ii) the angles with the H.P. and the V.P. and (iii) the true length of the line. Assume that the line is in the first quadrant.

Q.5: A regular hexagon of 40mm side has a corner in the HP. Its surface inclined at 45° to the HP and the top view of the diagonal through the corner which is in the HP makes an angle of 60° with the VP. Draw its projections.


Q.5: A 300 – 600  set square of longest side 100 mm long, is in VP and 300 inclined to HP while it’s surface is 45° inclined to VP.Draw it’s projections.


Q.5: A regular pentagon of 30 mm sides is resting on HP  by one of it’s corner with it’s surface 45°  inclined to HP. Draw it’s projections when the side opposite to corner which is resting on HP, makes 30° angle with VP.



Assignment 6: Projection of Plane

Question: 1 A regular pentagon of 25mm side has one side on the ground. Its plane is inclined at 45º to the HP and perpendicular to the VP. Draw its projections and show its traces.

Question: 2: Draw the projections of a regular hexagon of 25mm sides, having one of its side in the H.P. and inclined at 60 to the V.P. and its surface making an angle of 45º with the H.P.

Question for Drawing Sheet

Title: Projection of Plane

Sheet No. 6 (a/&b)

Question:1: Draw a regular hexagon of 40 mm sides, with its two sides vertical. Draw a circle of 40 mm diameter in its centre. The figure represents a hexagonal plate with a hole in it and having its surface parallel to the VP. Draw its projections when the surface is vertical and inclined at 30º to the VP.

Question:2: A square ABCD of 50 mm side has its corner A in the H.P., its diagonal AC inclined at 30º to the H.P. and the diagonal BD inclined at 45º to the V.P. and parallel to the H.P. Draw its projections.

Question:3: Draw projections of a rhombus having diagonals 125 mm and 50 mm long, the smaller diagonal of which is parallel to both the principal planes, while the other is inclined at 30º to the H.P.

Question:4: A plate having shape of an isosceles triangle has base 50 mm long and altitude 70 mm. It is so placed that in the front view it is seen as an equilateral triangle of 50 mm sides and one side inclined at 45º to xy. Draw its top view

Question:5: A regular pentagon of 30 mm sides is resting on HP on one of it’s sides with it’s surface 45º  inclined to HP. Draw it’s projections when the side in HP makes 30º angle with VP.

Quuestion:6: A semicircular plate of 80mm diameter has its straight edge in the VP and inclined at 45 to HP.The surface of the plate makes an angle of 30 with the VP. Draw its projections.

Important Theory Questions of Engineering Drawing:

Q. 1:    Define RF.

Q. 2:    Differentiate scale on the basis of RF.

Q. 3:    Write different types if scale.

Q. 4:    What will the RF of Scale of Chord?

Q. 5:    Explain Principle of Diagonal Scale.

Q. 6:    Write various unit conversions used in scale.

Q. 7:    1 hectare =           m2

Q. 8:    Explain conic sections with proper diagram of cutting cone and write application of each conic section.

Q. 9:    Define eccentricity and its values for conic sections.

Q. 10:                    Define ellipse.

Q. 11:                    Enlist various methods of drawing ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.

Q. 12:                    Define cycloid and write its applications.

Q. 13:                    Define Involute and write its applications.

Q. 14:                    Define spiral and write its types.

Q. 15:                    Draw regular pentagon and hexagon.

Q. 16:                    Draw invlute of square.

Q. 17:                    Method of drawing normal and tangent on conic section made by general method/eccentricity method.

Q. 18:                    Give examples of epicycloids and hypocycloid curves.

Q. 19:                    What are the differences between first and third angle projection.

Q. 20:                     Why second and fourth angle projection are not used in drawing.

Q. 21:                    Write symbols of first and third angle projection.

Q. 22:                    Define point and straight line.

Q. 23:                    Define projection.

Q. 24:                 What are the three essential things required while drawing the projection.

Q. 25:                    Define various types of projections.

Q. 26:                    Explain orthographic projection.

Q. 27:                    Define the projectors.

Q. 28:                    Define traces by suitable drawing.

Q. 29:                Draw the projection of all possible cases of point situated 25 mm from each plane.

Q. 30:                    If any line is parallel to both the principle plane which trace you will get.

Q. 31:                    A line is perpendicular to both the plane, Is this statement true or false.

Q. 32:                    Point “A” position is below the HP and behind the VP, in which quadrant it is present.

Q. 33:                    If any point “A” is situated in fourth quadrant then define its position with references to principle planes.

Q. 34:                    If sum of true inclination of line with HP and VP is 900 then what will be inclination of its front and top view with HP and VP.

Q. 35:                    If any line is parallel to VP and inclined to HP then its TV will be:

Q. 36:                    If any line is parallel to HP and inclined to VP then its FV will be:

Q. 37:                    Define plane/lamina/surface.

Q. 38:                    Write basic rules for drawing the projection of plane.

Q. 39:                    Define solid and its types.

Q. 40:                    Differentiate Prism and Pyramid.

Q. 41:                    Define frustum and truncated solid with drawing and examples.

Q. 42:                    Define solid of revolution with examples.

Q. 43:                    Write steps for drawing projection of solid.

Q. 44:                    Write rules for hidden and visible line making in projection.

Few Short questions and its Answers in this PDF.

ED Short Questions